David Bowie – Life On Mars?-piano song notes
F G A Bb-A G F-A
It's a god awful small affair
F G A Bb A G-A G
To the girl with the mousy hair
G A Bb-^C Bb A-G Bb
But her mummy is yelling "no"
G A Bb-^C Bb
And her daddy has
A G Bb A
Told her to go...
A Bb ^C
But her friend
^D ^C-Bb A Bb ^C
Is nowhere to be seen
A Bb ^C ^D
Now she walks through
^C Bb-A Bb
Her sunken dream
Bb ^C ^D ^D# ^D ^C-Bb ^D
To the seat with the clearest view
^C ^C ^C G G
And she's hooked to the
A-Bb ^C
Silver screen...
G# Bb ^C ^C#
But the film is
^C Bb - G# ^C
A saddening bore
G# Bb ^C ^C# ^C Bb G# ^F
For she's lived it ten times or more
^C# ^D# ^F ^F# ^F ^D# ^C# ^F
She could spit in the eyes of fools
^C# ^D# ^F ^F#
As they ask her
^F ^D#-^C# ^C#
To focus on...
^D#-^D# ^D# ^D Bb ^C
Fighting in the dance hall
^Bb ^F
Oh, man!
^D# ^D# ^D ^C -^D ^C
Look at those cavemen go
^C ^C ^C-^D-^C ^F-^D#-^D-^C
It's the freakiest show ~ ~
Bb Bb Bb ^C Bb ^Bb ^F
Take a look at the lawman
^D#-^D# ^D# ^D Bb ^C
Beating up the wrong guy
^Bb ^F
Oh, man!
^D#-^D# ^D# ^D ^C-^D ^C
Wonder if he'll ever know
^C ^C ^C ^C ^D-^C ^F-^D#-^D-^C
He's in the best selling show ~
Bb ^C Bb
Is there life on
Mars ?